Jared’s Fund Managing Director Job Description
Jared’s Fund, a Montclair-based non-profit that provides summer fellowships to current or recent Montclair High students related to mental illness, seeks a Managing Director to lead its six week summer program. This is a paid part-time position typically ramping up in spring (5-10 hours/week) and most intensively in the summer (up to 20 hours/week). It is best suited for someone who loves working with young people, has strong project management skills, and wants to change how mental health issues are dealt with in our community and beyond. The position is primarily remote and pays competitive non-profit wages.
Interested applicants should submit a cover letter and a resume to beth@JaredsFund.com. Applications will be reviewed as they are received with an intent to hire someone in the coming weeks. More details about the program, including information about past recipients and a further explanation about our passion for making a difference, are available on the Jared's Fund website and summarized below.
Jared’s Fund History and Program
Jared’s Fund was created to memorialize Jared Zimmerman, a Montclair native, who died in 2016, at twenty years old, as a direct result of a mental illness. Jared’s Fund’s goal is to reduce the stigma that surrounds mental health. The primary way the Fund does this is through its Fellowship Program. The Jared’s Fund Fellowship Program is a six-week summer internship targeted to juniors, seniors and recent graduates at Montclair High School. Fellows are awarded $2500 for six weeks to work on a project of their choice related to mental health issues.
The Managing Director’s primary focus is to oversee the six-week Fellowship program which usually runs from early July through mid-August. The program involves helping fellowship recipients complete the projects they identified during the application process and manage a set of speakers and other forms of support provided to the cohort and undertaken on a weekly basis during the six-week program. The Managing Director has a great deal of autonomy in maximizing the Program’s success and will work with the family and the advisory board throughout the fellowship cycle.
The best candidates will be eager and motivated to bring mental health awareness to the Montclair community and specifically to Montclair High School. Key skills include the ability to work independently, comfort in interacting with Montclair Public Schools (experience with the high school and the teachers is a plus!), some knowledge of website management, and ability to promote the program. Empathy and comfort in discussing mental health issues is important, especially because the Manager will be working closely with speakers and often Fellows, many of whom may themselves or who have family members, who struggle with mental health challenges. Past experience in the mental health field, whether lived or professional experience, is a plus though not required.
The required hours vary depending on the program cycle as noted above. Especially during the 6-week program, it is likely that the hours will not only increase but be irregular since responses to Fellows can occur at various times.
An outline of the program cycle follows.
By late March: Update application with family, work with advisory board on timing and selection process, market the application through local media and with Montclair High School leadership and teachers (including scheduling an assembly at the school).
Between late March and June: Applications are normally due at the end of April, and the Manager oversees all aspects of the selection process. This includes ensuring all applications are sufficient, managing the interview process, and supporting the advisory board in its initial screening and final selection of applicants. Key elements involve interacting with the applicants, especially when finalists are selected, and managing both logistical issues (e.g., informing applicants) and supportive functions (explaining the process).
June: Program preparation includes engagement with the Mental Health Association of Essex County (which provides space for the fellowship), arranging field trips (such as day trips into New York City to visit mental health non-profits), and setting up the speaker series. The family is knowledgeable about this and will provide active support.
July- August: The Managing Director oversees all aspects of the fellowship operation. This includes communicating with fellows to ensure and support timely progress on their projects, arranging and attending the speaker series which occurs twice a week, and overseeing fellow requirements such as the final synopsis expected to be turned in before the program is over.
Throughout, the Managing Director is likely to be communicating with the press and public about the program, including updating the website.
Our founding Managing Director, the wonderful Beth Wilensky, has been forced by family obligations to give up this role, but has kindly agreed to be available for candidates seeking more information. Please email her at beth@jaredsfund.com with any questions concerning the role.