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Senior Option (CIP) @ MHS

*Due to Covid Restrictions and remote learning Senior Option (CIP) has been suspended until further notice

The "Career Internship Program" is available for eligible seniors at Montclair High School. 


Please email Beth Wilensky at for more information about working with Jared's Fund during Senior Option.

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MHS Graduation.jpeg

"My project for Jared's Fund was creating a guidebook filled with free or low-cost services in our area for help with mental health. Kimmy and I spent our time researching and collecting information about these practices in order to create one designated area that people could find many different resources for mental health. My job was also to spread awareness about JF, which I did through social media promotion and word of mouth. I also volunteered through Jared's Fund to help out at the BOUNCE festival. I would say that I learned that mental health awareness is more necessary now than ever through my time with JF. There are so many people struggling and who feel alone in their struggles, but conversely, there are so many resources and people more than happy to help those in need. Mental health affects so many people, and there needs to be less stigma about needing help, especially for young men". 

Lucas Cooperman CIP 2019










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